
Hoʻolālā (Planning)

On this page, you will find resources to help you plan your courses and prepare for instruction. Want additional help brainstorming ideas, integrating technology, aligning activities with assessments or assessments with learning outcomes, or designing the learning experience in general? Visit the Support page and contact your friendly instructional designer!

Curriculum Considerations

The Kapi‘olani CC Curriculum Process Navigation page provides up-to-date information on curriculum-related topics.
The page includes timelines, insights, forms, and tutorial videos as well as points of contact for inquiries about various processes.

Program and Course Level Info.
The Kapi‘olani CC Curriculum Process Navigation page provides current information on the following program- and course-level topics:

  • The 5-year curriculum cycle
  • How to propose a new program and update a current one
  • How to propose a new course and update a current one
  • Course-based designations (foundations, diversifications)


The Kapi‘olani CC Curriculum Process Navigation page provides current information on the following section-level designations:

  • Writing Intensive (see WI and WAC resources)
  • Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Issues Focus, Approved HAP Courses
  • Sustainability
  • ‘Āina-Based Learning
  • Research Intensive


Class Planning

These resources will help you build a firm foundation for your class with clear and measurable, student-centered learning outcomes, well-aligned assessments, engaging learning activities, and accessible resources that facilitate your students’ achievement of the learning outcomes.

Structure and Alignment

Create your own customizable copy of Google-based templates by going to File > Make a Copy.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Guidance
SLOs clearly articulate what students will be able to do after completing the class, and assessments aligned directly to the SLOs allow us to know whether and to what extent students have achieved these outcomes.

Class Planner
This planning document can be used to scaffold your construction of a firm foundation for your class with clear and measurable, student-centered learning outcomes, well-aligned assessments, engaging learning activities, and accessible resources that facilitate your students’ achievement of the learning outcomes.

Syllabus Template
The syllabus template is not only ADA compliant, but it also links to 3 webpages with up-to-date information on Student Responsibilities, College Policies, and How to Get Help. Linking to these pages means you will not need to update this information manually in your syllabi when information changes, as they will be kept current each semester.

Technology Resources

UH Licenses

UH Software Licenses
This page provides information on third-party software licenses and products available from UH, including Zoom Pro and Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.

UHCC Padlet Backpack License
Padlet provides a real-time, collaborative Web-based platform in which users can upload, organize, and share content to virtual bulletin boards called “padlets”. Apply for a free Padlet Backpack License from UHCC to create unlimited padlets.

Interactive Digital Access Program (IDAP)
The IDAP (Interactive Digital Access Program) is a University of Hawaiʻi partnership between the UH Bookstores and select publishers designed to provide students with affordable access to electronic textbooks and course materials.

External Resources

OER at UH and Beyond
Find OER materials available across the UH System (including OER at Kapi‘olani CC) as well as external OER repositories and archives.

Third-Party Applications
This List of UH ITS-Reviewed Instructional Third-Party Online Tools or Microservices (Widgets) provides review statuses for numerous third-party apps. Check to ensure any third-party apps are approved prior to using them with students. Don’t see an app you’re interested in on the list? Submit it for Review

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Resources for Teaching and Learning
Instructional designers across the UH System have collaboratively constructed this resource that includes AI-related information on topics such as Accessibility, Assessment, Citations & References, Copyright, Educational Considerations, Ethics, Pedagogy, Policies for the Classroom, Prompting, and Tools.

UH Guidance can be found on the Generative AI Homepage, including AI Information for Students and AI Information for Employees.

Online Learning-Specific Resources

Regular Substantive Interaction (RSI) Definition
Kapi‘olani CC’s definition of RSI was approved April 5, 2021. Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) is a requirement for Distance Education (DE) classes.

The Pilot Quality Continuum Rubric for Distance Education 
This ACCJC-developed rubric is a valuable tool to reflect on your current RSI strategies and identify opportunities and strategies for continuous improvement. This is a helpful way to understand the depth and quality of your current RSI strategies and how you might be able to make them even more robust and impactful. 

Remote Exam Considerations
There are myriad ways to assess learning authentically; for faculty who elect to utilize exams for summative assessment, this document provides some considerations for doing this remotely.

Preparing to Teach Online at UH
New to teaching online? This self-paced professional development module can help you get acclimated and prepared. You can also opt to complete the UH Online Quality Course Design Review for a badge. (Also, see the Development page for resources to help you develop your online class(es) and the Support page for points of contact to help along the way!

FERPA and Other Guidance for Online Lectures and Recordings
This page provides best practices involving recordings of class sessions that include student participation. Note if no students are present in a recording, it is not an education record.

Build yourself a firm foundation before teaching others.